Adult Classes
Whether you're looking to get into better shape, learn self-defense, or maybe you've always wanted to try out a martial
art, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is your answer.  

It has been proven time and again to be one of the most effective systems in the world, and even today it continues to
evolve, limited only by the creativity of its practitioners.  

At Half Shell BJJ, we work hard to better ourselves, and to push our teammates around us so that everyone can excel.  
Come by and give it a try, so you can experience for yourself exactly how this amazing art can elevate your life.

Kids Classes
Half Shell Jiu-Jitsu for kids is a fun and challenging way for children 7-12yrs (depending on child's age & size, see
Schedule) to study martial arts in a clean, comfortable and non-intimidating environment.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is known as the "gentle art" because there is no striking or kicking. Instead, BJJ utilizes a variety
of grappling maneuvers to subdue an opponent.

Half Shell Jiu-Jitsu offers a unique, exciting and practical way for children to learn self-defense, improve their fitness
level, and gain self-confidence.

Our classes are taught to teach your child to always use common sense before self-defense. Knowing how to respond if
getting "picked on" is priceless. Teaching your child these life-long skills are worth the investment.

Toddler Classes
We are now accepting kids from the ages of 4-6 years old!

This toddler class will teach your child the most basic, but effective techniques of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.  They'll begin to
learn all of the useful techniques that will help them jump right into the older kids class when they come of age.

It's definitely an awesome experience being able to watch these little guys and gals train hard, and wrestle with their
teammates.  And just wait when you get to see them compete for the first time!